Episode 11

Goal Setting In Addiction Treatment

Joseph Devlin discussed the importance of goal-setting and building a supportive community in the treatment process or addiction, emphasizing the need for realistic, attainable goals and the involvement of loved ones. He underscored the significance of balance, enjoyment, and reflection in the process of recovery. Joseph highlighted that realistic, attainable goals, set in collaboration with a counselor, are key to successful achievement and rapid change. He noted that setting too many goals or attempting to do too much too fast could lead to feeling overwhelmed and ultimately failing. Joseph stressed the importance of building goals from the previous level of treatment and encouraged support and encouragement for loved ones in setting their goals.

ant to accomplish in the next:


is that folks just say, Okay, I'm just gonna doo doo doo doo doo. And then they get tired. Things don't become like enjoyable anymore. It's just like, they're just checking a box to do something. And they lose like the joy of, of living. And they just, it eventually hits them that like, you know, what I'm just constantly going and constantly doing. And I know one thing that's going to bring me temporary peace and temporary joy, they go back to their addiction. So again, this is a great place for you as a loved one, if you're walking alongside them and their goals and what they're what they're looking to achieve, you can celebrate with them as they hit those goals. You can also help them reshape because there's times where you're not going to hit your goals that you're that you're aiming for in life, quite frankly, this has been on my heart, doing podcasts has been on my heart for a while to get this message out to people that they're not alone. And it's taken me over two years to really get the time to do it. And that goal needed to be moved. I'm just glad that it's here today. And I'm glad that I had people around me and we're saying you're going to do it, it's just going to be the right timing. So I want to leave you with this challenge today, I'm really going to encourage you to think about some some goals and write them down of goals that you want to accomplish, really, with your family, for your loved one to accomplish. And then for yourself, for goals for yourself that you would want to accomplish. And I want you to write them down. Because when you go to that treatment center, you're going to have some goals already in mind. That's going to help with discussions. If you're already in a treatment center. Maybe you've been sober, you know your loved ones been sober for a while you can reflect on these goals and say, Hey, this is another point of discussion for your with you and your loved one that can help grow and deepen your relationship. I thank you for being here with me today. And if you liked anything on the show today, please like and subscribe again. It just increases that algorithm so we can reach more and more people. And until our next episode. Remember, sobriety is a family affair.